BUG! BUG! BUG! My old friend, the type-coercion bug, revisited me. It has now been squashed. Basically, if you set the idle time to anything between ten and nineteen minutes, the screen would black out immediately when you rebooted. Those long-time sufferers among you may well remember this same exact bug in one of the 1.2 betas of yesteryear. It came back because of a structural change having to do with the preferences. I remembered the required typecast in the cdev code, but it got by me in the INIT code. Many thanks to Jason Holtzapple for quickly spotting this one!
Also, I noticed a couple little typos in the licensing agreement, which have now been corrected.
Changes as of version 1.4:
No major changes. I just cleaned the code some more, purging a couple unreferenced variables and making a couple things terser.
Changes as of version 1.4b3:
Whoa. I just nailed a scary little bug. It would seem that we've never actually masked mouseup and mousedown events, even though we said that that is what we were doing.
Our cdev interface is now quite colorful. Well, it's grey, at any rate, rather than black-and-white.
The ShutDown procedure is now only installed when the InitCursor patch is installed That's the only time we need it, so it's pointless installing it at other times.
Changes as of version 1.4b2:
This is what you call your basic radical restructuring.
We now do our idle-time processing no more than four times a second. (This may become user-definable.) We *used* to do this every time SystemTask was called, which was, ideally, sixty times per second. The is probably the biggest efficiency jump we've seen in a while, or are likely to see for quite some time.
I've eliminated the GetNextEvent and WaitNextEvent patches, and now, instead, simply patch SystemEvent. In doing so, we've shaved off an immeasurably small amount of processing time.
I've cleaned the code yet again, removing a couple remnants of past patches, which should shave off an equally immeasurable chunk of processing time at startup.
We no longer do icon animation. It takes time and space, which is generally what Basic Black strives to *not* do. However, we do have color icons now, and just a hint of color in the cdev. I'd rather have the color than the animation, anyways.
We now check our version number, which is the first item in the 'PREF' resource, against the first item in the patch globals. In a related story, we now have a structure to look at our 'PREF' resource through. This will make it infinitely easier to change the structure of the thing. Also, the beastie will now be somewhat aware of what's going on.